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【English Corner】英语角来了:江南下注(北京)有限公司官网举办英语学习新平台启动仪式

日期 : 2024-10-14 点击数: 来源:国际交流中心

English Corner:Xi'an Peihua University Held Launching Ceremony for New English Learning Platform

金秋十月,丹桂飘香。10月9日下午,江南下注(北京)有限公司官网国际校长李华教授、江南下注(北京)有限公司官网国际交流中心主任王鹏、教务管理中心副主任刘改琳、江南下注(北京)有限公司官网外籍教师MORAN GARY THOMAS与英才班教师和学生代表欢聚一堂,共同见证并启动一项旨在激发英语学习热情、增进文化交流的重要活动——“英语角”的盛大启航。会议由江南下注(北京)有限公司官网国际交流中心主任王鹏主持,她向参加本次活动的同学表示欢迎,并介绍此次活动旨在为学生提供一个锻炼英语口语、拓展国际视野的平台,以进一步推动校园国际化进程。

In the golden autumn of October,the heady fragrance of laurel blossoms waswafted through the fresh air.On the afternoon of October 9th, Professor Li Hua, International President of Xi'an Peihua University, Wang Peng, Director of the International Exchange Center of Xi'an Peihua University, Liu Gailin, Deputy Director of the Academic Affairs Management Center, MoranGaryThomas, a foreign teacherofXi'an Peihua University, along with representatives of teachers and students from the Elite Class, gathered together to witness a significant event aimed at stimulating enthusiasm for English learning and enhancing cultural exchanges—the launching ceremonyof the "English Corner".Theceremonywas hosted by Wang Peng, Director of the International Exchange CenterofXi'an Peihua University. She welcomed the students participating in the event and introduced that the purpose of this activity was to provide a platform for students to practice their spoken English and broaden their international horizons, thereby further promoting the internationalization process of theschool.


At the beginning of theceremony, Professor Li Hua delivered an enthusiastic speech. Drawing from his own experiences during his time in Cambridge, England, he pointed out the connection between a global perspective and prestigious universities, and emphasized the significant role of the English Corner in enhancing students' comprehensive qualities and nurturing international talents.Professor Li Hua pointed out that the famous British historian Arnold Toynbee once said, "The 19th century belonged to Britain, the 20th century belonged to the United States, and the 21st century belongs to China." As Chinese youth in the new era, the 21st century is the century and the age of all youth students. It is obligation of students to tell the story of China's path and China's innovation in both Chinese and English.He said,in today's world, China has already taken its place at the center of the global stage. General Secretary Xi Jinping has pointed out that the world today is undergoing profound changes of a kind unseen in a century. Facingwith increasingly complex global issues, we must actively build a community with a shared future for mankind and use English, the major language of the world today, effectively on the global stage.Meanwhile, Professor Li Huaproposed that "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." He encouraged students to actively participate in the English Corner activities, daring to speak up and communicate, and to visit the English Corner often. By practicing,studentscan continuously improve their spoken English. He viewed this as a practical action to comprehensively enhance students' English proficiency, as a special gift to celebrate Peihua's centenary.

随后,外籍教师MORAN GARY THOMAS、英语教师穆向妮、王妮分别进行发言。

And then,foreign teacherMoranGaryThomas, and English teachers Mu Xiangni and Wang Ni each delivered speeches.

外籍教师MORAN GARY THOMAS表示,学习一门新的语言并不容易,因此,为使英语学习变得有趣,英语角将发挥巨大的作用。在英语角,同学们不仅可以自由练习英语口语、接触到不同的表达方式,更重要的是可以结交新朋友,探索新想法、分享经验,建立信心。

Foreign teacherMoranGaryThomasexpressed that learning a new language is not easy, and therefore, in order to make English learning enjoyable, the English Corner will play a significant role. At the English Corner, students can not only freely practice their spoken English and be exposed to different expressions, but more importantly,students can make new friends, explore new ideas, share experiences, and build confidence.


English teacher Mu Xiangni envisioned future university life of students and outlined the expectations that universities hold for them. She encouraged the students to set dreams, emphasizing that one's current position does not necessarily determine the future. She believed in the power of struggle and assured them that all the hardships students would encounter in university, will ultimately serve as the foundation for realizing their dreams.


Ms.Wang Ni,an English teacher, stated that in today's interconnected world, proficiency in English is not only an asset, but a necessity. It opens the door to unlimited opportunities and deepens understanding of global cultures and perspectives. The English Corner is a vibrant platform where the learning of English transcends the boundaries of the traditional classroom. While cultivating students' learning abilities, it creates an environment where communication, creativity, and cultural exchange flourish. She hopes that students can seize this opportunity, try bravely, do not shy away from mistakes, actively participate in conversations and debates, share stories and achieve true learning and growth.


During the student representative speaking session, Zhang Ziyi from Nursing Class 2401, Zhang Shaoqi from Class 2401 of Stomatology Technology, Zhang Xinyi from Law Talent Class, Feng Xue and Xu Zhaoxiang delivered speeches respectively.


Student representative, Zhang Ziyi said that under the influence of globalization, English has become the common language for international communication. English plays an indispensable role in academic research, business negotiations and cultural exchanges. She shared her English learning experience with other students and encouraged them to actively participate in the English Corner activities.


Student representative, Zhang Shaoqi stated that English is an important language for international communication, and English learning is very important. English Corner is a great opportunity to improve your English, to practice your spoken English, to expand your circle of friends and to create a better future.


Student representative,Zhang Xinyi talked about the importance of dreams and put forward the thinking of "what kind of person you want to be? what kind of work you want to do ? and what kind of life you want to live ?". She emphasized that having dreams provides students with a better way of life and the best choice to strive for them.


Student representative,Feng Xue said that the English corner can enlarge students' vision, improve their oral English ability, and increase their gains in work and study. She believes that as students of Xi 'an Peihua University, we should take the initiative to spread the culture of the university and the spirit of higher education.


Student representative,Xu Zhaoxiang expressed that the English corner can not only enhance students' communication skills, but also serves as a platform for building cross-border friendship. He called on the students to actively participate in the English corner activities and contribute to building Xi 'an Peihua University into an international university.


After the address of teachers and students, the basketball team of our university put on a wonderful show.


At the end of the event, Wang Peng, director of the International Exchange Center of Xi 'an Peihua University stated that English is not only a subject, but also a key that can open the door to the world. In the English Corner, there are no standard answers, only infinite possibilities. She hopes that students can go hand in hand and explore the world of English, gaining knowledge, friendship, and growth.


After announcing the official launching of the "English Corner" activity, the group free talk stated. During the free talk, the students said that the launching of English corner has given them more channels to practice oral English, and has also filled them with new expectations and enthusiasm for English learning. They believe that with the help of English Corner, their oral English ability will be significantly improved.


It is reported that various themed activities will be held in the English Corner on a regular basis, creating a relaxed and enjoyable English learning atmosphere through free discussion, role play, keynote speeches and other forms. At the same time, various kinds of English competitions and lectures will be held in the English Corner to stimulate students' interest in learning through diversified forms, and to provide students with more opportunities to show themselves and improve their abilities.


The success of the launching ceremony of the English Corner marks a solid step taken by Xi 'an Peihua University in promoting the reform of English teaching and improving the comprehensive quality of students. In the future, the university will continue to increase its investment in English teaching and strive to cultivate high-quality talents with international vision and cross-cultural communication skills.

翻译:李雨桐 张菁

